BIN Sponsorship with FINCI

Ready to launch your own card services? BIN sponsorship is the fast and easy way to go to market. And with FINCI, you get expert help every step of the way. 

Get your BIN today

Your BIN unlocks opportunities

Offering cards to your customers opens up a world of growth opportunities and business efficiencies. But first you need your Bank Identification Number (BIN).

Securing a BIN
used to be hard

Applying for your own BIN is a complex and costly process. The silver lining? With the right support, you can avoid the typical six-month wait.

By that time, you lose the product momentum or market opportunity you had. There is a better way: BIN sponsorship with FINCI.

Getting your BIN is a breeze

  • BIN sponsorship
    with FINCI

    The benefit of BIN sponsorship is simple. Rather than going through the hassle of applying yourself, you work with a licensed EMI like FINCI. As a Principal Member of Mastercard since 2020, we have the authority to assign BINs and account numbers for you. By working with a sponsor like us, instead of doing it alone, launching your cards will be much quicker and much easier.

    Contact sales team
  • Everything you
    need is here

    You’re in great hands. We’ve helped businesses successfully launch card products by acting as their BIN sponsor, providing all the regulatory, technical, and operational support needed.
    Not only will you avoid the headaches of applying and the months of waiting, your company can focus on growth. You can launch product ideas and test market fit quickly and cost-effectively. And our service doesn’t stop with issuing your BIN.

Get your BIN.
Then launch your cards

It’s not just about securing your BIN for you, we guide you smoothly through the whole journey. Get help with card design and issuing. Plug into our API to easily manage your cards. And enjoy top human support on speed dial.

Get your BIN today
  • Beautiful card design

    Your cards are like little adverts in the pockets of your customers, so the design matters. At FINCI, we have in-house experts that know the intricacies of card design and the technical capabilities required to achieve outstanding visual results.

  • Quality card production

    Once your new card designs are approved, we support you through the manufacturing process, too. Our expertise is built on collaboration with leading European card producers and partners, including EVRY and Thales Group.

  • Easy-to-use card API

    Connect to our API to access everything you need to manage your cards. Getting set up is quick and simple. It’s easy to integrate payment functions into your daily operations. And everything is flexible, so it works seamlessly with your existing technical infrastructure.

Different cards you can launch

  • Debit Cards
  • Corporate Cards
  • Digital Cards
  • Prepaid Cards
  • Gift Cards

Offer customers fast and secure payment options

  • Don’t waste time thinking about paying, just pay. Apple Pay is the easy and secure way to pay with your FINCI account. Use it in-app, on websites, and wherever they accept contactless payments. And it’s already on your device, so no need to download.

    Learn about Apple Pay
  • With your cards securely stored in your digital wallet, you don’t need your actual wallet. Wherever you’d use contactless payments – on public transport, in a store – you can use Google Pay.

    Learn about Google Pay
“We offer financial companies a faster and more efficient way to start offering card services to their customers. We do all the technical and regulatory heavy lifting, so our clients can avoid all the pain, while gaining all the benefits of the business opportunities in front of them.”
Alexey Pondin
FINCI Chief Technology Officer

Robust and reliable payments infrastructure

  • Technical

    Our experts will guide you step-by-step as we connect you to our mature payments infrastructure. All the card and transaction management services are ready to go, right out of the box.

  • Regulatory

    From anti-money laundering to fraud protection to Know Your Customer (KYC) rules, we make sure your card programme complies with all relevant regulatory and reporting requirements.

  • Operational

    We make it easy for you and smooth for your customers. We handle your customer's entire card experience, from card issuance to activation, from card usage to card management, and from settlement to reconciliation.

Pasiruošę išbandyti BIN rėmimo paslaugą?

Tuomet papasakokite apie savo verslą ir planuojamą kortelių projektą. Vienas iš mūsų kortelių specialistų susisieks su jumis.

  • 1
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* privalomi laukai
Pasirinkite savo mėnesio apyvartą iki*
* privalomi laukai

Ačiū. Jūsų informacija buvo sėkmingai pateikta.

Specialiai Jums paskirtas specialistas peržiūrės užklausą ir su Jumis susisieks aptarti tolesnių veiksmų. Tuo tarpu, kol laukiate mūsų komandos atsakymo, siūlome išbandyti nemokamą FINCi mobiliąją programėlę, kuri Jums suteiks galimybę patogiau valdyti sąskaitą, atlikti mokėjimus bei operacijas kortelėmis.

Kažkas nutiko. Bandykite dar kartą

Dažnai užduodami klausimaiDažnai užduodami klausimai

  • Kas yra BIN rėmėja?

  • Kodėl verta pasitelkti BIN rėmėją?

  • Kaip vyksta BIN rėmimas?

  • Koks yra banko identifikavimo numerio tikslas?

  • Kaip gauti BIN įmonei?

  • Ką reiškia būti pagrindine „MasterCard“ nare?

Gaukite daugiau naudingų verslo paslaugų

  • Finci Debit Cards

    FINCI Debit Cards.

    We offer a range of Mastercard-powered physical and digital debit cards when you open any FINCI account. Quickly connect to Apple and Google Pay for fast and secure payments. And easily manage your cards from within the Android or iOS app.

    Learn more
  • Google Pay

    Connect to Google and Pay.

    The faster, easier and safer way to pay. Google Pay is completely free to use. Google doesn't charge you for the service, or take a cut of the transactions. So you can buy goods online, in-app and in-store without any annoying extra fees.

    Learn more
  • Apple Pay

    Make life easier with Apple Pay.

    You can easily make contactless payments with Apple Pay on your phone, thanks to NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. You can also use Apple Pay for in-app purchases and on websites. And it’s already on your device...

    Learn more
  • Multi-Currency Business Account

    Multi-currency IBAN account.

    With a multi-currency IBAN account you can easily fly funds around the world, while avoiding painful conversion fees.  Now you can easily trade GBP, PLN, USD and EUR. And you can apply for a business account online, so there’s no need to travel to branch.

    Learn more
  • Instant Global Payouts

    Instant Global Pay-outs.

    With our new payment channels, you can send money instantly from Euro to multiple currencies, making it easier than ever to pay your suppliers, employees, and partners across borders. At FINCI, we provide personalized service to our clients.

    Learn more

Gaukite pritaikytą verslo paskyrą.

Užpildykite šią trumpą formą ir jūsų paskyros vadybininkas pradės ruošti verslo paskyrą, pritaikytą jūsų poreikiams.

  • 1
  • 2
* privalomi laukai
Pasirinkite savo mėnesio apyvartą iki*
* privalomi laukai

Ačiū. Jūsų informacija buvo sėkmingai pateikta.

Specialiai Jums paskirtas vadybininkas peržiūrės užklausą ir su Jumis susisieks aptarti tolesnių veiksmų. Tuo tarpu, norėdami pradėti verslo sąskaitos atidarymo procesą, pasirūpinkite, kad asmuo įgaliotas veikti Jūsų įmonės vardu, atsidarytų asmeninę paskyrą naudodamas FINCI programėlę (iOS arba Android). Vadovaujantis ekrane pateikiamomis instrukcijomis tai turėtų užtrukti vos kelias minutes.

Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз.

Verslo sąskaitos atidarymas 3 paprastais žingsniais.

  1. 1

    Sukurkite nemokamą asmeninę paskyrą naudodami programą.

  2. 2

    Prisijunkite prie internetinio banko per interneto naršyklę.

  3. 3

    Tęskite verslo sąskaitos atidarymą.

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