Securely ring fence customer funds

With a Client Funds Account you can easily keep customer and company funds separate. As well as staying compliant with regulators, you’ll gain valuable efficiencies. 

Open Account

Supporting you when others don’t.

With specialist technical, compliance and payments expertise in-house, we serve companies that operate in the most stringent regulatory landscape – companies that are often not served well by their provider. We have experience helping crypto gateways and exchanges, forex and investment firms, and other financial institutions to trade legally and operate more efficiently.

  • Crypto gateways
  • Crypto exchanges
  • Forex firms
  • Investment firms
  • Financial institutions
  • Loan providers


Get a dedicated account manager.

If you’re in one of these industries you need extra support and attention from your payments provider. That’s why as a business customer you get a dedicated account manager. During office hours, you’ll have the support of someone who knows your business, your industry, and your needs. The result? Faster and better service.

Dedicated Account Manager

Gain control with user profiles.

Gain Control With User Profiles

Not everyone in your organisation needs the same access to your business account. To improve your internal risk management and gain more control, you can set different user profiles. With four types to choose from, you can assign different permission levels to allow your employees to perform different tasks.

Contact us

Make automatic bulk payments.

With a Client Funds Account you can also make bulk payments to customers and suppliers with our API connection. As well as accurate and efficient bulk payments, an API connection will help you automate payroll, improve cross border mass payments, and optimise subscription billing.
Plus, a host of other benefits. 

Make Automatic Bulk Payments

Gaukite pritaikytą verslo paskyrą.

Užpildykite šią trumpą formą ir jūsų paskyros vadybininkas pradės ruošti verslo paskyrą, pritaikytą jūsų poreikiams.

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* privalomi laukai
Pasirinkite savo mėnesio apyvartą iki*
* privalomi laukai

Ačiū. Jūsų informacija buvo sėkmingai pateikta.

Specialiai Jums paskirtas vadybininkas peržiūrės užklausą ir su Jumis susisieks aptarti tolesnių veiksmų. Tuo tarpu, norėdami pradėti verslo sąskaitos atidarymo procesą, pasirūpinkite, kad asmuo įgaliotas veikti Jūsų įmonės vardu, atsidarytų asmeninę paskyrą naudodamas FINCI programėlę (iOS arba Android). Vadovaujantis ekrane pateikiamomis instrukcijomis tai turėtų užtrukti vos kelias minutes.

Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз.


API to help
your business fly.

API for Your Business

API integration offers a range of advantages that improve profit margins and help your business to grow. This includes real-time payment processing, payment automations, enhanced accuracy, better data security and operational scalability. Our technical team will guide you step-by-step through a slick API integration process.

[email protected]

Common Questions Common Questions

  • How do I open a Client Funds account? 

  • Do I have to have a licence?

  • What documents do I need to provide to open a Client Funds account?

  • What currencies and payment networks can I use with this account?

  • What does it cost to get a Client Funds account?

  • Will I have an account manager?

  • Can I add additional users for the account?

Get more useful business services

  • Instant Global Pay-outs

    Instant Global Pay-outs.

    Waiting days to send money across borders is a competitive disadvantage. With FINCI, you can send money instantly from Euro to multiple currencies, making it easier than ever to pay your suppliers, employees, and partners around the world. 

    Learn more
  • FINCI Debit Cards

    FINCI Debit Cards.

    We offer a range of Mastercard-powered physical and digital debit cards when you open any FINCI account. Quickly connect to Apple and Google Pay for fast and secure payments. And easily manage your cards from within the Android or iOS app. 

    Learn more
  • Do business globally with SWIFT

    SWIFT global payments.

    Securely send payments anywhere on the planet with SWIFT. You’ll enjoy reliable, transparent and traceable payments in a network that covers 11,000 member institutions in over 200 regions. It’s the payment network the world relies on. 

    Learn more
  • SEPA and SEPA Instant payments in seconds

    SEPA European payments.

    With SEPA you can securely transfer large sums across 36 European countries. And with SEPA Instant you can do that in just 10 seconds. You’ll do business faster and ensure you pay suppliers and partners on time, every time.

    Learn more
  • Finci Mobile App

    Android and iOS mobile app.

    With the FINCI mobile app available to Android and iOS users you can quickly manage your money and get on with your day. Send money to friends, pay bills, track spending, and freeze cards all with a few taps.

    Learn more
  • FINCI Escrow account

    Escrow account protection.

    Open a temporary escrow account to securely and efficiently complete one-off high-value transactions – it’s the smart way to reduce risk and protect both parties. Open an escrow account online in less than 24 hours with our express service.

    Learn more

Gaukite pritaikytą verslo paskyrą.

Užpildykite šią trumpą formą ir jūsų paskyros vadybininkas pradės ruošti verslo paskyrą, pritaikytą jūsų poreikiams.

  • 1
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* privalomi laukai
Pasirinkite savo mėnesio apyvartą iki*
* privalomi laukai

Ačiū. Jūsų informacija buvo sėkmingai pateikta.

Specialiai Jums paskirtas vadybininkas peržiūrės užklausą ir su Jumis susisieks aptarti tolesnių veiksmų. Tuo tarpu, norėdami pradėti verslo sąskaitos atidarymo procesą, pasirūpinkite, kad asmuo įgaliotas veikti Jūsų įmonės vardu, atsidarytų asmeninę paskyrą naudodamas FINCI programėlę (iOS arba Android). Vadovaujantis ekrane pateikiamomis instrukcijomis tai turėtų užtrukti vos kelias minutes.

Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз.

Verslo sąskaitos atidarymas 3 paprastais žingsniais.

  1. 1

    Sukurkite nemokamą asmeninę paskyrą naudodami programą.

  2. 2

    Prisijunkite prie internetinio banko per interneto naršyklę.

  3. 3

    Tęskite verslo sąskaitos atidarymą.

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