FINCI is a proud principal member
of Mastercard

Membership gives us the highest level of access to the Mastercard network. It allows us to offer payment card services directly. And it allows you to create your own unique card products through FINCI.

Contact us


What exactly is principal membership?

Becoming a principal member of Mastercard means FINCI can directly process and accept payments using Mastercard cards. We have the authority to issue cards, set pricing structures, and develop new, unique payment solutions. This membership is a significant milestone that reflects FINCI’s expertise.

Successfully passing a rigorous test.

The application process to become a principal member involves thorough due diligence, extensive documentation, and substantial financial investment. With our robust processes and technical capabilities, FINCI successfully passed this process, complying with Mastercard’s stringent rules and regulations.

[email protected]

Gaukite pritaikytą verslo paskyrą.

Užpildykite šią trumpą formą ir jūsų paskyros vadybininkas pradės ruošti verslo paskyrą, pritaikytą jūsų poreikiams.

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* privalomi laukai
Pasirinkite savo mėnesio apyvartą iki*
* privalomi laukai

Ačiū. Jūsų informacija buvo sėkmingai pateikta.

Specialiai Jums paskirtas vadybininkas peržiūrės užklausą ir su Jumis susisieks aptarti tolesnių veiksmų. Tuo tarpu, norėdami pradėti verslo sąskaitos atidarymo procesą, pasirūpinkite, kad asmuo įgaliotas veikti Jūsų įmonės vardu, atsidarytų asmeninę paskyrą naudodamas FINCI programėlę (iOS arba Android). Vadovaujantis ekrane pateikiamomis instrukcijomis tai turėtų užtrukti vos kelias minutes.

Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз.

Membership means opportunities

By leveraging the Mastercard API, their global payment network, and their innovative tools, we’re better able to support your business operations and growth.

  • BIN sponsorship
  • Issuing cards
  • Co-branded cards
  • Corporate Cards
  • Advanced reporting
  • Direct settlement

Key features overview

  • Better payments

    Enjoy access to a wider range of payment options, including company payment cards for your team to charge expenses, pay suppliers and complete other transactions. 

  • Global acceptance

    FINCI issued cards will work globally, wherever Mastercard is accepted. So you will enjoy a seamless payment experience wherever you are in the world.

  • Advanced security

    As a FINCI customer you are protected by Mastercard's advanced security protocols, including sophisticated fraud detection and prevention technologies.

  • Modern tools

    With Google and Apple Pay integrated your customers can pay online and in-store faster and easier. And with biometrically verified transactions everything is more secure.

“We took the very early decision to partner with Mastercard, securing principal membership just 6 months after FINCI was founded.”

Services we offer


BIN sponsorship with FINCI.

Launching your own card programme is technically challenging, very expensive and a regulatory headache. As a principal member of Mastercard we act as your BIN sponsor and make the whole process easy. So you can launch new services, attract new customers, and grow your revenues.

Learn more

Get co-branded debit cards.

We’re specialists in helping crypto and credit organisations offer physical and digital debit cards to their customers. Co-branded debit cards are a brand building tool for you. They make it easy for your customers to spend their funds. Plus, we'll handle everything that makes a card program possible for you.

Learn more


Gain the power of Mastercard, without the hard work.

Just get in touch with FINCI today and we will help your business leverage the power of the Mastercard network, systems and tools. 

Contact us

Common Questions Common Questions

  • What is a BIN sponsor?

  • Why use a BIN sponsor?

  • WHow exactly does BIN sponsorship work?

  • What does principal membership of Mastercard mean?

  • How long will it take to get co-branded cards up and running?

  • Why can’t we just go to Mastercard ourselves?

  • Can I create a reward program for my card customers?

Get more useful business services

  • Instant Global Pay-outs.

    Waiting days to send money across borders is a competitive disadvantage. With FINCI, you can send money instantly from Euro to multiple currencies, making it easier than ever to pay your suppliers, employees, and partners around the world. 

    Learn more
  • FINCI Debit Cards.

    We offer a range of Mastercard-powered physical and digital debit cards when you open any FINCI account. Quickly connect to Apple and Google Pay for fast and secure payments. And easily manage your cards from within the Android or iOS app. 

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  • SWIFT global payments.

    Securely send payments anywhere on the planet with SWIFT. You’ll enjoy reliable, transparent and traceable payments in a network that covers 11,000 member institutions in over 200 regions. It’s the payment network the world relies on. 

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  • SEPA European payments.

    With SEPA you can securely transfer large sums across 36 European countries. And with SEPA Instant you can do that in just 10 seconds. You’ll do business faster and ensure you pay suppliers and partners on time, every time.

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  • Android and iOS mobile app.

    With the FINCI mobile app available to Android and iOS users you can quickly manage your money and get on with your day. Send money to friends, pay bills, track spending, and freeze cards all with a few taps.

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  • Escrow account protection.

    Open a temporary escrow account to securely and efficiently complete one-off high-value transactions – it’s the smart way to reduce risk and protect both parties. Open an escrow account online in less than 24 hours with our express service.

    Learn more

Gaukite pritaikytą verslo paskyrą.

Užpildykite šią trumpą formą ir jūsų paskyros vadybininkas pradės ruošti verslo paskyrą, pritaikytą jūsų poreikiams.

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* privalomi laukai
Pasirinkite savo mėnesio apyvartą iki*
* privalomi laukai

Ačiū. Jūsų informacija buvo sėkmingai pateikta.

Specialiai Jums paskirtas vadybininkas peržiūrės užklausą ir su Jumis susisieks aptarti tolesnių veiksmų. Tuo tarpu, norėdami pradėti verslo sąskaitos atidarymo procesą, pasirūpinkite, kad asmuo įgaliotas veikti Jūsų įmonės vardu, atsidarytų asmeninę paskyrą naudodamas FINCI programėlę (iOS arba Android). Vadovaujantis ekrane pateikiamomis instrukcijomis tai turėtų užtrukti vos kelias minutes.

Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз.

Verslo sąskaitos atidarymas 3 paprastais žingsniais.

  1. 1

    Sukurkite nemokamą asmeninę paskyrą naudodami programą.

  2. 2

    Prisijunkite prie internetinio banko per interneto naršyklę.

  3. 3

    Tęskite verslo sąskaitos atidarymą.

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